Quick Start =========== * FireVoxel is a Windows-based software package. It does not work on Mac or Linux computers. See :ref:`System Requirements `. * To install FireVoxel, see :ref:`Download, Install, and Activate FireVoxel `. * Please contact the FireVoxel team if you wish to use FireVoxel within the remote desktop environment. * Launch FireVoxel by double-clicking **FireVoxel.exe**. Create a desktop shortcut for faster access. * Visit `FireVoxel Tutorials YouTube Channel `__ or view :doc:`Video Tutorials ` page for an quick introduction. * On this site: use the **Search** box under the FireVoxel logo in the top left corner to find information on commands and tools or browse :doc:`Table of Contents `. * Download this user guide in PDF: :download:`firevoxeldocs.pdf ` * Basic tasks described in the user guide include: * :ref:`Interface and User Actions ` * :ref:`Main toolbar ` * :ref:`Open images ` * Adjust :ref:`View options ` and :ref:`Grayscale window ` * :ref:`Save FireVoxel documents and images ` * :ref:`De-identify images ` * :ref:`Layers ` and :ref:`Layer Control ` * :ref:`Draw raster ROIs ` * Obtain image statistics via :ref:`ROI Stats 3D ` * :ref:`Vector ROIs ` * :ref:`Coregister compatible images using DICOM tags ` * :ref:`Scale image signal intensity `