.. _conc_conversion_top: MRI Signal to Concentration =========================== .. contents:: :depth: 2 :local: :backlinks: top The quantification of contrast concentration is often required in contrast-enhanced MRI and CT. See :ref:`si_to_conc_mri` (under :ref:`Basics of DCE MRI `) for a description of common conversion methods used in MRI. The signal-to-concentration conversion can be performed **Concentration Conversion** dialog, available under the **Dynamic Analysis** tab and through other commands (:numref:`fig_conc_conv_panel`). .. _fig_conc_conv_panel: .. figure:: ../images/dce_conversion_panel.png :alt: Concentration Conversion dialog in its default state :align: center :figclass: align-center Concentration Conversion dialog in its default state. The Conversion dialog can be accessed via the following routes: 1. **Dynamic Analysis** > **Convert TAC to Concentration**. This option is available with and without images loaded into FireVoxel. The command launches browse-for-file dialog to select a the input text file, in which the first two columns contain (1) time and (2) signal intensity values. Once a compatible file has been selected, the signal values versus time are displayed in a new panel (**Signal values**, :numref:`fig_plot_signal`). The user can inspect the signal curve and set up the conversion using the buttons at the bottom of this panel. **Attributes** – Opens dialog for entering the precontrast T of tissue of interest (in seconds) (see **Attributes** dialog :numref:`fig_plot_signal`). **Concentration** – Opens **Concentration Conversion** dialog. .. _fig_plot_signal: .. figure:: ../images/dce_plot_signal.png :alt: Concentration Conversion panel in its default state :scale: 70% :align: center :figclass: align-center Concentration Conversion panel in its default state. 2. **Calculate Parametric Map** > **Concentration** (for AIF) or **Tissue Concentration** (for tissue). This option is available when the 4D dataset is recognized as a dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI time series and the model requires signal-to-concentration conversion (such as the Tofts model). Clicking the Concentration buttons opens the **Concentration Conversion** dialog for blood and tissue, respectively. See :ref:`Dynamic Analysis ` and :ref:`DCE MRI Model Analysis `. 3. **Cardiac Output Measurement and Correction** > **Concentration**. This command opens a dialog panel enables the user to load and display signal intensity data and convert it to concentration by clicking **Concentration** button, which opens **Concentration Conversion** dialog. .. _conc_conversion_dialog: Concentration Conversion Dialog ------------------------------- The dialog contains the options to configure the conversion the CT and MRI signal values. .. _si-to-conc_method: Method ~~~~~~ A dropdown menu with a selection of conversion scenarios (:numref:`fig_conversion_methods`). The first entry (**Signal values**, default, no conversion) applies to both CT and MRI. The second method (**CT basic**) is for converting CT data, and the subsequent methods are for MRI data. .. _fig_conversion_methods: .. figure:: ../images/dce_conversion_methods.png :alt: Concentration Conversion methods :align: center :figclass: align-center Conversion methods in Concentration Conversion panel. - **Signal values** – Default – No conversion, retains original signal intensity values. - **CT basic S(t)–S(0)** – Returns CT HU level corrected for baseline S(0). The baseline can be determined automatically or manually (see Signal Baseline). - **Basic T1-weighted: S(t)/S(0)–1** – Returns signal enhancement for T1-weighted MRI. The method assumes linear relationship between signal enhancement and contrast concentration. The effect of tissue precontrast T\ :sub:`10` is ignored. - **Basic T2-weighted: –ln(S(t)/S(0))/TE** – Returns R2 values from T2-weighted MRI, with signal given by: S(t)=S(0)*exp(-TE/T2), where TE is the echo time (see Acquisition). - **Fast Transcytolemmal Water Exchange** – :red:`UNDER DEVELOPMENT`. Returns contrast concentration (in mmol/L) for T1-weighted MRI signal. The conversion is done using the shutter speed water exchange model for TE<`__, Landis et al. 2000. `PMID:11025512 `__, and critical discussion in Buckley 2019. `PMID:30230007 `__). **Tissue Water Fraction (fw)** – Tissue volume fraction accessible to mobile water solutes f_w (unitless; default, 0.8). **Mean intracellular lifetime (sec)** – Mean lifetime of a water molecule in intracellular compartment, :math:`\tau_i` (in seconds; default, 1.1 s). **Intracellular relaxation rate without exchange (1/sec)** – Intracellular rate constant without exchange, denoted :math:`R_{1i}` (in inverse seconds; default, 0.69). .. _si-to-conc_ca_relaxivity: Contrast Agent Relaxivity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Text box labeled **CR relaxivity r1 (1/(mM x s))** is for entering contrast agent relaxivity value r1 (:numref:`fig_conversion_nlc`). **Lookup Value** - Opens a sub-panel that allows the user to select literature values of r1 relaxivity for six currently approved contrast agents: Magnevist, Omniscan, MultiHance, Gadavist, ProHance, and Dotarem\\Clariscan (:numref:`fig_contrast_relaxivity`). The appropriate r1 value can be obtained using three drop-down menus to choose: 1) contrast agent, 2) field strength (1.5 T, 3 T, 7 T), and 3) medium (human blood, human plasma, bovine blood, bovine plasma, canine blood, canine plasma) matching the user's experimental conditions. .. _fig_contrast_relaxivity: .. figure:: ../images/dce_conversion_nlc_r1.png :alt: Lookup Value panel for selecting contrast agent relaxivity :align: center :figwidth: 60% :figclass: align-center Lookup Value panel for selecting contrast agent relaxivity value from literature for the experimental conditions (contrast, field strength, and medium). .. _si-to-conc_literature_relaxivity: Literature values of relaxivity r1 (1/(mM s)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ====================== ======== ============== ============= =========== =========== =========== =========== =========== ================= Study Field, T Medium Protein, g/dL Magnevist Omniscan MultiHance Gadavist ProHance Dotarem/Clariscan ====================== ======== ============== ============= =========== =========== =========== =========== =========== ================= Rohrer 2005 1.5 Bovine plasma 7.0-9.0 4.1 (0.2) 4.3 (0.3) 6.3 (0.3) 5.2 (0.3) 4.1 (0.2) 3.6 (0.2) Rohrer 2005 1.5 Canine blood ND 4.3 (0.3) 4.6 (0.3) 6.7 (0.4) 5.3 (0.3) 4.4 (0.3) 4.2 (0.3) Szomolanyi 2019 1.5 Human plasma 7.35 4.78 (0.12) 3.8 (0.1) 3.32 (0.13) Pintaske 2006 1.5 Human plasma 7.8 3.9 (0.2) 7.9 (0.4) 4.7 (0.2) Shen 2015 1.5 Human blood 6.5 4.25 (0.32) 4.47 (0.08) 6.2 (0.36) 4.61 (0.18) 4.39 (0.47) 3.91 (0.13) Rohrer 2005 3 Bovine plasma 7.0-9.0 3.7 (0.2) 4.0 (0.2) 5.5 (0.3) 5.0 (0.3) 3.7 (0.2) 3.5 (0.2) Noebauer-Huhmann 2010 3 Human plasma 4.59 3.5 (0.08) 3.6 (0.22) 5.1 (0.54) 4.9 (0.15) 3.5 (0.08) 3.3 (0.24) Pintaske 2006 3 Human plasma 7.8 3.9 (0.2) 5.9 (0.4) 4.5 (0.2) Szomolanyi 2019 3 Human plasma 7.35 4.97 (0.59) 3.28 (0.09) 3.0 (0.13) Szomolanyi 2019 3 Human blood ND 3.47 (0.16) 2.61 (0.16) 2.72 (0.17) Shen 2015 3 Human blood 6.5 3.76 (0.17) 3.89 (0.15) 5.37 (0.33) 4.46 (0.24) 3.46 (0.46) 3.43 (0.29) Noebauer-Huhmann 2010 7 Human plasma 4.59 3.3 (0.13) 3.5 (0.18) 4.3 (0.38) 4.7 (0.13) 3.3 (0.13) 3.2 (0.17) Szomolanyi 2019 7 Human plasma 7.35 3.83 (0.24) 3.21 (0.07) 2.84 (0.09) Shen 2015 7 Human blood 6.3 3.11 (0.36) 3.72 (0.19) 4.67 (0.09) 4.2 (0.24) 3.35 (0.12) 2.82 (0.4) ====================== ======== ============== ============= =========== =========== =========== =========== =========== ================= **Sources:** ===================== =============== Rohrer 2005 `PMID: 16230904 `__ Pintaske 2006 `PMID: 16481903 `__ Noebauer-Huhmann 2010 `PMID: 20697225 `__ Shen 2015 `PMID: 25658049 `__ Szomolanyi 2019 `PMID: 31124800 `__ ===================== =============== **Notes:** - All measurements were performed at 37C. - Relaxivity data are mean (st dev). - Protein, g/dL - Total protein. - In Noebauer-Huhmann 2010, st dev was calculated from data at different concentrations in Tables 2 and 3 therein (following Szomolanyi 2019). .. _si-to-conc_hematocrit: HCT (Hematocrit) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Text box for entering the value of hematocrit (HCT). This is done to determine the concentration of contrast in plasma instead of the whole blood by excluding the volume occupied by the blood cells: C\ :sub:`plasma` = C\ :sub:`whole_blood` / (1 – HCT). By default, HCT=0 (no correction). .. _si-to-conc_complete: Completing the conversion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The user clicks **OK** on the **Concentration Conversion** panel. The result is displayed as a plot of concentration (in mM) versus time, if the command was accessed through **Convert TAC to Concentration** or **Cardiac Output Measurement and Correction**. The user can save the concentration as a text file by clicking **Save** (or **Save Original**). The output file contains two columns: time (as in the input data file) and concentration (in mM). If the conversion was called via the **Calculate Parametric Map** dialog, the concentration is not displayed. |top|