.. _intro_top: Introduction ============ About ----- `FireVoxel `__ is a Windows-based research software package for analyzing MRI, CT, PET, and SPECT images. It has been developed by `Artem Mikheev `__ and `Henry Rusinek `__ at the `Department of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine `__. FireVoxel provides powerful image processing tools for: - Loading and displaying images in DICOM or image formats (Analyze, MIDAS, NIfTI, etc.) - Region-of-interest (ROI) analysis - Image segmentation - Motion correction and coregistration - Modeling and parametric mapping of 4D datasets and dynamic series, including diffusion-weighted MRI and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI - Many other common image analysis tasks and workflows. .. _terms_license: Terms of Use & License ---------------------- **FireVoxel is provided for research purposes only. It is not intended for clinical use.** The software is available free of charge to users at not-for-profit research institutions, including academic, medical, and independent research centers. FireVoxel is provided solely for research purposes and **must not** be used for diagnosing patients or commercial activity. Users who download and install FireVoxel must accept the terms of `License Agreement `__. .. _links_contacts: Links and Contacts ------------------ - `https://firevoxel.org `__ – FireVoxel website – Download the latest software version, obtain instructions for obtaining the license key, and access software documentation and video tutorials. - https://iacfvx.blogspot.com – Artem Mikheev’s blog on development news, features, and updates. - Basic `FireVoxel Tutorials `__ YouTube channel – Video tutorials on FireVoxel basic functionality. - Advanced `FireVoxel Software `__ YouTube channel – Video tutorials on advanced topics and workflows. - For license issues, please contact Henry Rusinek at hr18@nyu.edu. - For support, please contact artemmikheev@gmail.com. |top|