FireVoxel runs on 64-bit Windows (Win7 and up). Windows XP and 32-bit Windows are no longer supported. Before installing the software, please review FireVoxel’s license agreement.
- Download FireVoxel *.zip from here. The current build is: 462.
- If an older version of FireVoxel is already installed, extract all files from to an existing FireVoxel folder. Overwrite old files. Done!
- For first-time installation: create a new application folder and extract there all files from Note: Do not create the application folder within Program Files. Program Files protection may prevent FireVoxel from accessing its Temp subfolder.
- Launch FireVoxel.exe. You will get an error message: FireVoxel.key not found, another location? Answer No. You will get another message showing your computer ID, which is ready to be pasted.
- Email your computer ID to Use Ctrl+V to paste the ID number into the email. Do not send screenshot images. In the email, please include your (a) full name, (b) place of work/study, (c) position, & (d) briefly describe your project.
- The reply will include a small file FireVoxel.key as an attachment. Save the attachment in your FireVoxel folder. Done!
- Please download and use new versions as they become available. Your feedback is very important to us!
Visit Artem’s blog to learn about the latest changes and new features.
Visit FireVoxel technical manual.
View Video Tutorials page to access FireVoxel tutorials & demo images, or visit FireVoxel Tutorials on YouTube.
Our QuickStart page has informative PDF guides and sample data.
Cite FireVoxel: If you publish research results obtained using FireVoxel, please cite our web site (, FireVoxel build number, and the 2025 publication, for example:
“… masks were obtained from FLAIR images using the freely available software package FireVoxel, build 463, [Mikheev A, DiMartino JM, Bokacheva L, Rusinek H. FireVoxel: interactive software for multi-modality analysis of dynamic medical images. J Imaging Informatics in Medicine, 2025.]“