5. Toolbar

5.1. Toolbar visibility and position

The visibility of the main toolbar (Fig. 5.1) is toggled on and off using View > Show Main Toolbar.

By default, the main toolbar is docked on the right-hand side. To select a different toolbar docking placement, use File > User Interface Options > Main Toolbar Alignment. The position of the toolbar is changed immediately after this option is changed in the User Interface Options.

When using FireVoxel on a laptop with a small screen, it is recommended to dock the toolbar at the bottom of the software window or leave the toolbar undocked, to have easy access to all toolbar icons.

The toolbar can be undocked by hovering the mouse over its top edge (if the toolbar is docked on the right or left) or over its leftmost edge (if the toolbar is docked at the bottom). When the cursor becomes a 4-arrow cross, the user may click and drag the toolbar to a new location. An undocked toolbar can be positioned anywhere on the screen, inside or outside FireVoxel’s main software window.

To dock the toolbar, double-click its blue title bar. The toolbar will return to its docking position indicated in the User Interface Options.

Main toolbar

Fig. 5.1 Main toolbar.

Each icon on the toolbar launches an individual tool. With few exceptions, most of these tools duplicate the commands that are available via the main menu.

To exit from the tools such as Zoom or Change Width/Level, press Esc.

If the tool opens a dialog (e.g., Calculate Parametric Map or EdgeWave Segmentation), click OK on the tool dialog to start processing or Cancel to exit from the tool.

5.2. Toolbar icons

window_level_icon Change Width/Level

zoom_by_window Zoom by window selection

zoom_all Zoom All and fit to View

zoom_in and zoom_out Zoom in and Zoom out with fixed upper corner

set_project View Projection of Selected Entity

play_4d_exp_icon Play 4D Experiment

voxel_tac_icon Voxel Time Activity Curve Browser

vroi_icon Construct Vector ROI

polyline Insert Polyline

add_text Insert Text - Currently inactive

paintbrush Voxel Paintbrush settings

edgewave EdgeWave Basic

param_map Calculate Parametric Map

orthog_project Display orthogonal projections

trace_magtrace_icon Magnetic Trace

vector_rasterize_icon Rasterize selected vector entities

undo_active Undo – Active for selected commands that change voxel values in the active layer.

redo_active Redo – Becomes active after Undo is used.

5.3. Undo / Redo

Undo and Redo features are available via the main toolbar icons. These features are inactive (grayed out: undo/redo) for most commands.

These features become active (undo_active/redo_active) for some of those commands that change the voxel values in the active layer without creating a new layer or document window.

The features do not apply to commands that create new document windows and layers, or create or edit raster ROIs, vector ROIs, or contours.

Several such commands can be found in the Volume > Voxel value conversion > Linear conversion over ROI OR Invert.

The Undo/Redo functionality is illustrated here using Invert as an example:

1. Original image – When the original (Dixon) image is opened in FireVoxel, the Undo/Redo features are inactive.

Original kidney image and histogram

Fig. 5.2 Original image and histogram. Undo/Redo inactive.

2. Inverted image – Select Volume > Voxel value conversion > Invert. The image is inverted and the histogram is flipped around the middle of the interval. Undo feature becomes active. Redo remains inactive.

Result of Invert command

Fig. 5.3 Result of Volume > Invert. Undo active/Redo inactive.

2. Undo Invert – Click Undo undo_active. The kidney image is restored to its original state (before Invert was used) and the histogram is again flipped. The Undo is now inactive, but Redo becomes active.

Result of Undo command

Fig. 5.4 Result of Undo command. Undo inactive/Redo active.

3. Redo Invert – Click Redo redo_active. The image is inverted again, as after the first Invert (Fig. 5.3).